Why a journey?
When you travel, you activate your remembrance as well as the planetary grid. It’s this connection that we seek. We will walk as super sentient humans wen we remember we are only a part of the interconnectedness of everything.
I believe all places are sacred, it is up to you to connect and listen to the harmonics of life in resonance with the laws of nature, wherever you may be, ask for your memories to be activated in you. Start in your own back yard and keep going… there is an immense intelligence beckoning in the Earth and Elemental kingdom.
Of course, particular places on Earth where the electromagnetic current of the Earth meets, are particularly powerful. Telluric alignments are like Dragons meeting, you will feel it, you will be transformed in some way.
These are places well known to our ancestors, places where ancient man chose for ceremonial and temple building, because they had a connection to the galactic grid, Earthstar portals to connect to Star Beings, awaiting their return.
Stones, mountains, rivers and waterways await your own DNA lineage since you too may be a ‘portal’ of your starseed/galactic imprinting.
Adventures we are creating in the next pages are an opportunity to walk on the lands of your ancient past to reconnect with your present future.
Are you ready?
“Of the gladdest moments in human life, is the departure upon a distant journey into unknown lands. Shaking off with one mighty effort the fetters of Habit, the leaden weight of Routine, the cloak of many Cares and the slavery of Civilization, man feels once more happy.”― Richard Francis
St Columba's Bay - Iona
Isle of Mull - Standing Stones