Focus – The Geometry of Dreaming
Starts on Sunday January 19th and ends March 30th,
@10 am Pacific - 1pm Eastern - 7pm Rome
An Experiential exploration into fully focusing on your personal gravitational energy/truth and dreaming a New World into present reality. This is a navigation tool into the ‘Great River’ of consciousness and into your personal harmonic blueprint to innovate and co-create in New Earth with your own Soul Sequence.
A 3 months body of work to fully align to the new frequencies available to us now, as you ground your frequency deep into your body, slowing the ‘brain train’ to perceive the flow and undercurrents that shape our new reality.
We will create Deep Fire Journals, Directional Movement Dream Maps and Focus Portals on specific days. This master work takes place online, on zoom in private group setting, so be prepared to communicate your vision and be witnessed by others in your dream focus!
Focus is about first connecting into your Self, we can only co create with others once we know what we are being and holding in the new reality. A large emphasis on this work is arriving at your own sense of purpose and mission.
Focus is about birthing a new personal reality that aligns to your future Self, from there it is inevitable that we will collaborate and cocreate to create a much stronger geometry pattern in creation. There is an option to book one on one Focus call with me for a personalised support of your journey, see below (*).
It begins by asking the deep question : what is coming into focus from within the dream?
We will navigate into higher conscious streams daily, this is your personal frequency activation, giving you the opportunity to journal and receive more insights from your Soul, then we will gather together, share the dream and find the deepest desired focus.
The Focus may first come to you as a feeling, an emotion, a symbol or a form of movement. Once it is set in orbital motion within your personal field it becomes more alive as you breathe it into being - this is Focus.
We will Focus together in holding our own dream and witness each other, this is a powerful way for being accountable and initiate forward momentum with passion in the next 3 months as Neptune - the Divine Dreamer moves into Aries inviting new ways seeing and being.
You will receive full support in a group setting and on messaging system of choice, there is option for a private session with me. We will continue to communicate the fine tuning stages and continue the expansion of the gravitational field dream work as a group.
Focus is for you if
- you feel deeply inspired and fired up to experience magic
- you feel the fear, as fear is also a powerful force which contains solution and excitement.
- you’ve lost touch with your dream… because rekindling connection with the Truth of your Soul and your deep sense of purpose is the potent energy and guiding point to creating in fractality, the template of original intention and new Earth.
- You have lots of inspirational ideas but don’t know where to start.
The astrological significance
As we approached the first ingress of Neptune ‘The Divine Dream’ into Aries through tropical astrology. Siderial Astrology marks Neptune entering into the neighborhood of Pisces constellation. Both astrological systems confer that exponential change is upon us. If we synthetize Aries and Pisces we pretty much see the zero point, which is the point of all creation - in between almost complete and not yet began. I see this as a precise time - to choose - a point that marks the end of Illusion. Optimazing these next few weeks as the Sun prepares to move into the Equinox point, followed by an eclipse and as Neptune take a first dip int a new cycle on March 30th.
The Geometry of Dreaming
The geometric shape we know as vector equilibrium shows a 64 tetrahedron that fractal out into infinity and contains within itself all other perfect geometry hence it is stable creation, and as quoting Buckmister Fuller :
“the vector equilibrium is the zero starting point for happenings: it is the empty theather and the empty circus and the empty universe, ready to accommodate any act and any audience.”
Nature, being constantly in motion, does not stand still, it moves from completion to new creation so if we choose to work with nature, we can activate the same energy in our own lives, and this moment is the perfect moment to do it.
Here is how to join & payment details
Contact me for availability and login details. Payment methods and costs below. We would be honoured to focus the dream alive with you!
You can opt for:
Focus Dream programme - includes 10 x weeks group calls (average 60 mins) + full weekly support by messaging with me.
300 Euros
One-on-One Focus Dream private session - one live private call with me (90 mins) (*)
300 Euros
Focus Dream programme + One on One Focus Dream includes 10 x weeks group calls and One Private session (90 mins) payable in advance
570 Euros
The value of working with me on One-on-One is my personal support of your Dream Map, with insights supported by astrology for the next 18 months.
Payments methods:
Paypal Business account :
Business account using @earthscn8q or ask me for full bank transfer payment details in
your currency of choice.
*WISE – using @claudiabarbaraf or ask me for bank transfer payment details in your currency of