“Feel the strength and power that walks with you. We are the blood of your ancestors, pulsating in your veins, we are the resonance of stars and beyond the Sun, we are the the nurturing Earth beneath your feet.
You are our song & our prayer.”
Mother, writer, artist, seer, poet, visionary, non-conformist, ‘unraveller’ of Myths for evolving times.
I am a scholar of timeless Wisdom, explorer of myths & legends, teller of secret stories left in water and stone, and seer of symbols scribed in ancient sands. But truly, I am You.
Through my passion of researching ancient wisdom, have guided many groups to sacred sites on the Celtic Isles, Ireland, Scotland, UK, Cornwall & Wales.
I was guided to walking the Druid lands, the Essenes & Cathar’s Initiate’s path, the paths of the Stars Dwellers in Arizona & Utah and New Mexico, following the imprinted messages in cave paintings and petroglyphs. I was led to listen to the creation stories of the lands of North America, I am grateful to The Hopi, The Zunis, the Sioux, Apache and Hohokam Nations who have taught me so much. I was brought to listen to memories stored in the sands of northern Africa, in the gentle flow of the River Nile, to listen to the silent mystery in the Theban mountains in Luxor, once known as a Goddess “Meret Seger - She who loves Silence”, and to attain enough stillness, during the last two years living in Egypt, to hear the wisdom stored in the temples of Light.
I am a work in progress…
Anouk Sophia holds a full Diploma in Voice and Sound Therapy with the British Academy of Sound Therapy.
She has been carrying the bundle of cosmic teachings of Star Knowledge - Universal and Spiritual Laws as Star Symbols - MAKA WICAHPI WICOHAN with Chief Golden Light Eagle of the Yunkton Sioux Nation.
With deep gratitude to teachers who shared their knowledge and wisdom :
Chief Golden Light Eagle - Star Knowledge Symbols
Lyz Cooper - Voice and Science of Sound, British Academy of Sound Therapy
Fabien Maman - Chi Gong, Acupressure and Chinese Acupuncture points with Tuning Forks
Jill Purce - Overtone singing www.jillpurce.com
Joy Gardner - Vibrational Healing Hawaii
Marguerite Rigoglioso - Cult of Divine Birth in ancient Greece, Virgin Mother Cults in Antiquity, Seven Sisters Mystery School
John Beaulieu & Silvia Nakkash - Ragas, Voice and instruments - voxmundiproject.com
Ani Williams - Voice - aniwilliams.com
Art credit (in my house): Katrina Vrebalovich www.luxorartgallery.com/katrina-vrebalovich