Planetary Grid Harmonic Resonance


From Africa’s Nilotic Meridian

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Lion Essence is brought to you from Africa’s Lion. This essence is created with assistance and the agreement with the

sentient beings known as the ‘White Lions of Timbavati’.

This essence is Starlight as well as grounding. It’s harmonic sequence resonates cosmic lineage as well as a time when humans walked the Earth with purpose and feet firmly on the Ground.

Do you feel it’s strength, leadership, courage? When Lion essence works in your life, it guides you to find your voice, it urges you to roar and invites you to walk the Earth as a nobel hearted, powerful Human.

I have heard stories of people who were faced with coming into close proximity with Lions, and how they had to think and act cautiously, especially when a lioness with young, are present. This essence whisper to you of honouring all stages of your life, invites you find your breath in any moment, knowing that only returning to the present moment, you have power and ability to face your fears and become the King/Queen, sovereign over any situation.

The Golden/Nilotic Meridian connects Timbavati, which means, “the place where the sacred beings came to Earth” - the White Lion’s, in South Africa to the Giza Plateau, where we also find a majestic Lion figure, the Sphinx, who has held balance and memory - silently observing the horizon - for over ten thousand years…. Throughout time, the Lion has represented balance, kingship, nobel strength and protection.

USD 21 plus postage

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Elephant Essence is brought to you with agreement from Africa’s Nilotic Meridian.

Elephants hold memory on Planet Earth, of the beginning of time, when Humans honoured the Mother Arc.

Elephants are known matriarchs, they offer each other protection within the heard. Elephants can ‘hear’ with their feet, since they are able to sense underground vibrations, this allows them to be prepared by knowing when something is coming their way, as well as being in tune with changes in the earth’s frequency. They know how to create strong bonds and have been known to recognise each other after many years of separation.

When Elephant essence is working in your life, you are attuning to the frequency of the Planet, your harmonic sequence is activated with new information from the Cosmos. Elephant harmonic essence creates a strong supportive field around you, you will feel strength in belonging, by knowing without question, your place within the ‘family’, protected, safe and empowered by these magnificent sentient being’s consciousness field. This essence will urge you to seek your joy in your creative spark, and run with your dreams, no matter how muddy life may feel. Elephant teaches you to play and not be afraid to rumble the ground you walk on.

USD 21 plus postage

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Clearing Storm Essence - Stilling Within

This essence is brought to you from deep within the Earth and from the elements of Water, Fire and Wind.

Main element wind: Catalyzes the power of self regeneration, Dispels mind chatter and confusion, assists with breathing physically and with giving breath to new life.

Nature finds harmony through chaos. Storms have their own path, they will into being great disruption, however, they are not afraid to be, and to follow, on their own cycle of transformation. Storms carry with them a powerful combination of sacred elements, water and electricity, to transform stagnant/blocked energy, bringing renewal and clarity.

If you are called to using Clearing Storm essence, listen to the Earth. Animals and people who live close to nature and the elements are always prepared. Listen to the sounds around you, can you feel the winds of change stirring? Do you sense a  rumbling in the vast horizon?

Close your eyes and become the storm. Sense the point of harmony in the centre of your being, journey with the energy, from thunder, to a deep hum, to silence – relinquish control of all the elements, you are powerful in your core.

Exhale, find the space of tension, life’s inexplicable wisdom is guiding you, this is the transformation point, like an invisible mesh of light that holds your being, you are safe from this space, you have the support of Mother Africa, the lands of the beginning of time, they carry codes of healing and great stability from the Eastern Craton, a land that stood still since the forming of Earth’s crust.

Clearing Storm essence will bring you to a deeper connection with nature, with the animal allies, the elements and your centre core in the unpredictability of life. Let the wisdom of the elements of clearing storm guide you into stillness and renewal and courage to rearrange the landscape of your life.

The clearing power of storm will leave you ready to breath deep, with the energy that comes from within the centre of your being, the knowing that can only be accessed through experiencing the place of ‘all things’, in the quantum field of creation.

USD 21 plus postage